Due to a sudden ruling by the Army and Department of Corrections we are no longer permitted to overfly the farm land adjacent to the power strip. Flying must remain on the rifle range side of the deer fence on the far side of the runway. Committee will advise further […]
Due to a sudden ruling by the Army and Department of Corrections we are no longer permitted to overfly the farm land adjacent to the power strip. Flying must remain on the rifle range side of the deer fence on the far side of the runway. Committee will advise further […]
Arrived about 5pm; noone else there; configured my electric glider and launched. One climb into lift and flew around for the next 45 minutes. So much lift around. That all changed when the wind shifted around to the south. A few of the other guys turned up around 5:45pm. […]
I have always wondered where the best price point is in terms of buying lipo’s (or anything else for that matter which involves multiple units purchased) when you factor in the freight cost. I started with a “purchase” of one lipo and kept on adding one of the same lipo […]
Those older club members may remember the displays that the WMAC did at Strand Park in the 1980’s. I do; I enjoyed them. I found some photos I took which maybe of interest. Unfortunately couldn’t find any more. Argh, the good old days. From memory we did a lolly drop […]
Although I read a few bad reviews about this switch I thought I would use it in an electric model which required a receiver battery switch (it appeared to be a reasonable switch). Well it didn’t go well. About the fourth flight the aircraft stopped responding and crashed in the […]
I was given this model but never had a chance to get it in the air. Needs the electrics to get in the air. Contact Phil on 0274 468 122 or email phil.eldridge@dasnz.com
This was my first attendance at a Summer Soaring Series for Spring/Summer 2016. The evening was lovely and fine with a dying Southerly. I arrived around 5pm and being a southerly, I parked down the north end of the park. Found myself amongst mothers with young children practicing softball and […]
Tuesday evening was fine with a bumpy west/south west wind general direction. About 8 fliers turned up to sample the conditions.
I purchased this 10 channel transmitter ‘on sale’ from Hobbyking; only mode 2 so needed to change to mode 1 which just meant reversing the gimbals and changing the mode setting in the transmitter. There are lots of ‘unpacking’ videos on Youtube so I won’t even go there. The first […]
An ALES glider competition was held today. To quote Keith Elliott… ” Conditions quite challenging today with more sink than lift. A tad cool for this time of year. Peter Williams showed us all up with a set of maxes and a resultant perfect score.” Results: Round 1 […]
This “flew” into my lounge the other day… it can carry a payload of just over 1 kg. I intend use it as a camera platform… well what else. So I’ve been reading up on Google on how to operate the damn thing… and its not as easy as I […]
Sunday the 29/11/2015 was a beautiful day for flying, sunny with lightish winds although it was blowing across the power strip which caused some issues for lighter models. Michael maidened his new electric F3A FMS foam ship; nice model. Below are a few snaps…